Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Summer Cocktail Month: Stanley Cup Edition

GO HAWKS!!! In honor of our Chicago Blackhawks, winners of the 2013 Stanley Cup Championship, I give you the Joe Sakic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Sakic)  

1 part Sambuca 
1 part Bacardi 151 
2 parts Peppermint Schnapps 

Combine all liqueurs in a shotglass. This one's for you,Priscilla Hader RoseJulia BurnhamTJ KrenMeg Bracco LiebreichBarb Mungovan KochHelen Tentler Cooper,Sue CloughDaria DepaAnn MacIntosh BakerMelinda S Haag...and the rest of you Hawks fans!! Woo Hoo! 

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